The SIXTH Year – July 2001 to June 2002
In accordance with the constitution, the following were elected:-
President | Peter Groom |
Vice President | Maurice Colclough |
Honorary Secretary | Aubrey Lowndes |
Honorary Treasurer | Derrick Bradshaw |
Social Secretary | Jim Ellis |
Speakers Secretary | Ken Walker |
Ordinary Members | Arthur Cumberbatch, Bill Washington |
Archivist | Doug Whiston |
At the meeting in July, the Archivist presented all members with four pages of the Club’s history covering the FIFTH year.
Peter Lowe agreed to arrange walks for members and also to take on the role of Club Photographer. The Archivist agreed to set up a Photo Album for the Club.
Talks were given on the following subjects:- Local History, What makes a Jew a Jew, The Cotton Industry, The Classic Car Rally of China, The Potteries Loop line, Childhood spent in a Workhouse, Japan, Children’s Playgrounds, and BBC Radio Stoke.
On the 16th of February, members and others, totalling 46, paid a second visit to the St. Brannocks Hotel in Newquay for a 4 night stay. Prior to our arrival at the hotel we visited the Jamaica Inn, which stands on Bodmin Moor. The Inn has a good reputation as a stopping off point for travellers. It has a Potters Museum containing over 10,000 unique exhibits. An added attraction is Daphne Du Mauriers – ‘Smugglers at Jamaica Inn’.
The highlight of the holiday was a day spent at the Eden Project at St. Austell, Cornwall. It is a project that has been described as turning a Dr. Who wasteland into a garden paradise. It has already been dubbed the 8thWonder of the World. It was opened in March 2001. The visitor centre – with a gallery, restaurant, and shop, is at the ‘edge’ of the huge crater where visitors are introduced to Eden prior to seeing the spectacle from a viewing point. The major part of the project is the huge Biomes – two enclosed and one roofless. They house plants and trees and their produce from different parts of the world. The warm temperature Biome covers the size of two football pitches. Tractor drawn, covered carriages take visitors from the low level to the visitor centre.
We also had a half-day excursion touring around Newquay visiting many interesting places and features highlighted by our informed coach driver. We also visited Padstow for the second time. It was another perfect visit to St. Brannocks and everyone, without exception, had a most enjoyable time.
On the 4th July, members of our Probus Club were invited to join members of the Rotary Club of Kidsgrove to a Dinner and Dance held at the rebuilt Lawton Memorial Hall. After dinner, the Rotary Club’s Annual ‘hand-over’ of installing a new President and Officers took place followed by a short business meeting. It was an enjoyable event and an opportunity for members of both clubs to meet ‘old’ friends and to make new ones.
On the 28th August, arrangements were made for a Bowls Match to take place at Clough Hall between members of the Kidsgrove Rotary Club and our Probus Club. The whole event had a dual purpose: – 1) to celebrate our 5 successful years as a Probus Club and 2) the presentation of the ‘Roy Smith Memorial Trophy’ to the winning club. Following the presentation the members and partners from both clubs, totalling 56, retired to the Clough Hall Hotel for drinks and a pre-arranged buffet. It was a friendly occasion.
On the 4th October, and for the first time, a party of members and others, totalling 21, took part in an organised 4 mile walk lasting about 3 hours. (This new activity is for the hale and hearty and those whose energies know no bounds). The walkers started from the Broughton Arms, Rode Heath and visited Cherry Lane, the old railway line, Malkins Bank, the golf course, and Hassel Green where they stopped for coffee. The party returned along the canal to the starting point where many stayed for a thirst quenching lunch. It was an enjoyable and successful event and therefore other walks were arranged at regular intervals throughout the year.
On the 19th December, the usual and enjoyable Christmas Luncheon took place at the Rifleman Inn. Some 66 attended.
On the 15th and 22nd December, some members assisted the Rotary Club with the Santa Claus collection.
On the 16th May, members, partners and friends, totalling 67, attended the ‘Presidents Evening’ held at the Alsager Golf and Sporting Club. The President extended a warm welcome and particularly to Vera Bradshaw and her two daughters. It was on the 8th May that Derrick, our Club Treasurer for the past 5 years, unexpectedly died during a short stay in hospital. Vera made this ‘brave’ appearance at this event mainly to express her most sincere thanks and appreciation for all the cards, letters, phone calls, and offers of help she had received during this very sad time.
After dinner we were entertained by a group of ‘Barber Shop’ style singers of which there were 19 plus the conductor. One of the singers acted as the MC who singled out a few of the singers for some jocular treatment. The group sang a melody of songs and hymns and finished with the ‘Jimmy Brown’ song made popular by a group of French singers – Le Compagnon de la Chanson. It was a friendly and enjoyable event.
Bert Ingram – d. March
Derrick Bradshaw, Founder Member and Club Treasurer – d. May.
President Peter Groom had this to say about his Presidential Year: – I would like to thank the Officers, the Council and all other members for their very generous help and support which makes the role of President so much easier.
I, like everyone else was saddened by the deaths of two of our members during the year.
I have found a strong bond of friendship within our Club, which I am sure we will always nurture. This friendship makes it a most helpful and enjoyable experience and that is exactly what I have had.