The TWENTY-SECOND Year July 2017 – June 2018
The Officers, Council Members and ex officio organisers were:-
President Terry Dale
Vice President John Vardon
Secretary Michael Nield
Assistant Secretary Andrew Dimelow
Treasurer Graham Brown
Social Secretary Ken Williamson
Speaker Secretary Alan Henshall
Archivist Graham Tunnicliff
Council Members:-Terry Cook, Barry Rogerson, John Dunn, Dave Tipper;
Ex Officio Adrian Ford
Walks organiser Graham Tunnicliff
Bowls organiser Len Dale
Newsletter Editor Chris Brough
Club Photographer Peter Lloyd/Peter Lowe
Internal auditors Terry Cook and Andrew Dimelow
Website Administration Michael Nield, Peter Lloyd
Due to administrational matters and pending alterations at the The Clough Hall Hotel, council meetings which had moved to The Clough, returned to the Cricket Club, ordinary meetings and social events also continue to be at The Cricket Club.
Once again thanks go to John Crutchley, Derek Morris and Dennis Fletcher for getting members to part with their money for trips and holidays etc.
Also thanks to the staff of the Cricket Club for providing teas and coffees.
President’s Yearly Report 2017
Our June meeting will bring to an end my term as President. I have felt it both an honour and a privilege to serve our great club in this capacity. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our club officials and council members for their support and for all the hard work they do in ensuring the clubs smooth running and maintaining all its various activities. They also greatly helped to make my tenancy an enjoyable and memorable experience.
It has been a year not without its sad happenings as we said farewell to three of our long serving ex-presidents. Len Harrop, Peter Lowe and John Manley, all of whom contributed greatly to all aspects of the club to help make it the successful one which we all enjoy today. And then latterly we had the sad loss of another dear member Graham Bew who only joined us in 2013. Graham I know thoroughly enjoyed our club meetings and holidays. They were all our dear friends and are sorely missed.
On a lighter note Pauline and I were invited to represent Probus at the Kidsgrove Community Day, which is organised by the Kidsgrove Rotary Club and held annually now in its 37th year. It is primarily for local pensioners and takes place in the town hall, there they are served refreshments and treated to an afternoons entertainment .An occasion which was enjoyed by all who attended.
Finally as we look back over the year’s highlights, I’m sure like us, we all have many happy memories of the holidays, days outings and the social occasions we have enjoyed and been able to share with all our Probus friends.
Now it is only left for me to wish our incoming President Norman Hankey an enjoyable and successful year.
Terry Dale President 2017-2018
Membership continues to be generally static. Despite losing the four members who passed away in the last year, the club welcomed new members Frank Eld and Michael Lloyd. Total Membership now stands at Forty two.
Vice President John Vardon tendered his resignation from the club at the AGM, because they were relocating to Taunton to be closer to their family.
This caused a constitutional crisis as John was destined to be President for 2017 – 2018 at which time Norman Hankey was elected as Vice President to John. Fortunately the matter was resolved by Norman accepting the Presidency and John Dunn Vice President all very complicated, but resolved by a slight constitutional change.
We send John and Maureen our best wishes in their new home we will miss them both as they were very active in the Club for many years.
Members celebrated the birthday of long serving member Frank Timmis, who was 90 on 18 September 2017, by hosting a surprise party at the Cricket Club. Well done to Frank who pretended to be suitably shocked.
Alan Henshall continues to amaze us with his varied choice of speakers; we have been fracking for oil and gas, exploring the history of Brine in Nantwich and Walking Hadrian’s Wall.
The works of SAPA (the armed services charity}, The Wildlife trust. Jack the Ripper. Lidice and the organisation in Poland with its associations with Stoke on Trent.
Lastly Part 1 of a 2 Part talk about Howard Hughes the American Billionaire.
Attendance at meetings ebbed and flowed again this year with illnesses taking their toll, let’s all hope for a better year.
Len Dale continues to organise the bowls with his usual efficiency, the weekly outdoor sessions at Clough Hall Bowling Club continue to attract a dozen or so members and spouses, who all thank Len for arranging everything. (He even excels at making tea and coffee) not to mention the beautiful gardens that surround the green which are also maintained by Len. Indoor bowls continue every 2nd Tuesday at Biddulph Leisure Centre where we have sufficient numbers for two mats, again Len organises us into teams and sorts out the costs.
I have attempted to have a watery theme to walks this year starting with Rudyard followed by Tittersworth, Knypersley and the Serpentine. Next the water tower at Peever followed by the water tower in Hanchurch woods and Parrots Drumble, well there is a stream running through the valley.
Average participation on the walks is about 12 which includes partners.
There were two main holidays this year, the first being to Criccieth and later Eastbourne. Both venues were superb and enjoyed by all, however due to the low numbers participating losses had occurred.
Trips were also arranged to the National Arboretum and Roberts Bakery with free goodie bags. Woodford Avro Museum was also an interesting and enjoyable trip.
The social activities include the musical evenings at the Cricket Club and various lunches around the area.
The annual Christmas lunch was held at the Manor House Alsager, once again enjoyed by everyone.
The Presidents Evening was also held in the Manor House with entertainment provided by Simon Garcia, a very accomplished musician who had most of us dancing the night away.
The Web Site is now a firmly established part of the Probus information network and thanks go to Michael Nield and Peter Lloyd for all the hard work they have put in especially the photos, both historic and recent that are now available for members to look at and reminisce.
Chris Brough volunteered to act as Editor again and Chris’s editorship and wit continue to make the newsletter a good read.
The annual Rotary Reindeer Collection was augmented to the tune of £343.93 by the Probus Collection outside Home Bargains. Thanks go to Dennis Fletcher, Terry Cook, Andrew Dimelow, Len Dale, Dave Tipper, Gary Bell, Fred Maxfield, Cliff Triner, Norman Hankey and Graham Tunnicliff.
President Terry Dale presented the Probus Wreath at the annual thanks giving ceremony on Remembrance Sunday.
It would be remiss of me not to mention our Secretary Michael Nield who continues to prop up the front line with his excellent administration skills.
Thanks to the Council members and everyone who helped to plan and organise the various functions, we depend on such as you to continue this wonderful fellowship that is The Probus Club of Kidsgrove.
Red tape marked the end of this year with the mandatory introduction of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2017. In order to comply with GDPR members had to submit an “application for membership/ renewal” form and to sign acceptance of the terms of the said GDPR.
And I thought I had finished with red tape when I retired it goes to show the ********** will always get you.
Graham Tunnicliff (Archivist)