January 2014 Newsletter 138th Edition
President’s Remarks
It seems an age since the past president’s social evening and the wonderful buffet at the cricket club. Definitely one of the highlights of the year!
Kidsgrove Rotary Club have thanked us for assisting them in their Christmas collection at Home Bargains store and I too thank all the members of the club who participated. Our collection on the day realised £343.00, a very creditable achievement.
Again we had a great Christmas luncheon and party at the Lawton Memorial Hall. A good start to the Christmas celebrations.
A luncheon was held at the Kidsgrove Masonic Hall on Sunday 19 January and enjoyed by all. I trust that this will again prove to be a favourable start to 2014.
Ken Williamson
The Speaker today is: – Mr Gerry Machin who will talk to us about Aircraft take-off.
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 29 January 2014 Probus Ordinary meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.
Thursday 30 January 2014 Probus Music Night at the Cricket Club. Meet 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. Bring along a music C.D and play a track of your choice.
Wednesday 5 February 2014 Probus Walk from Festival Park to Westport Lake. Meet in the first car park in Heathcote Street at 9.30am. Meal afterwards in the Toby Carvery.
Tuesday 25 February 2014 Visit to the Countdown Studios at Media City, Manchester.
Wednesday 26 February 2014 Probus Ordinary meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start
Birthdays during February 2014
Peter Crowther Green, Arthur Cumberbatch, Alan Henshall, Robert Kay, Derek Morris, Trevor Proudman.
Probus has a new website. The address is https://www.probusclubofkidsgrove.co.uk
It was designed and built for us by Cybernautix Ltd. A sum of £360 was awarded to us from the Community Chest Scheme by Newcastle Borough Council to pay for this project.
The administrators will be Michael Nield and Peter Lloyd.
Music Evening – Thursday 28 November 2013
Many thanks to the past President’s for their generous contributions in providing the buffet at the music evening.
Also thanks to Sandra and Bernadette for their excellent repast.
The next music evening will be on Thursday 30 January 2014 at the Cricket Club, commencing at 7.30pm. Don’t forget to bring along a music C.D to ask the D.J to play one of your favourite tracks.
P. Groom.
Kidsgrove Rotary Club Christmas Collection – Saturday 21 December 2013
In aid of local charities benefitted by £343 (up £23 on last year). Thanks to Probians Len Dale, Frank Timmis, Derek Morris, Ken Williamson, Cliff Triner, Michael Nield, Norman Hankey, Graham Tunnicliff, Peter Lowe, Chris Brough.
Thanks also to Peter Groom for organising once again.
Probus Newsletter
As you will already know Woolliscrofts Solicitors unfortunately no longer publish the newsletter. Arrangements have been made therefore to distribute the newsletter to 31 members via e-mail who have the facility. The remainder of members who are not on-line will have copies available to them at the ordinary meeting which have been printed off by courtesy of Peter Davenport (5), JohnManley (3), Peter Lowe (5) and John Crutchley (5).
If anyone has any difficulty with receiving a copy, please advise the Secretary.