Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > June 2017

June 2017

 Annual General Meeting 2017

                            President’s  Remarks  28th June  2017  

My year as President has come to an end and I would like to say it has been a great honour to serve in this capacity. Any concerns I had about fulfilling this role were quickly dispelled due to the support of seasoned members of the club who were willing to share their knowledge and wisdom. When I became ill, the care and concern of you all carried me through a very difficult time, thank you.  Anyone who would like to take on this role in the future should not be deterred from doing so; they would, I am sure, receive the same support from fellow members. 

For this next year you will be in the capable hands of Terry Dale; I wish him well.

During this year we have lost two valued members of our club:-  Peter Crowther- Green and Eric Owen; they will be missed. We welcomed one new member, Malcolm Rigby; I am sure he has already experienced the benefits of belonging to such a great club.

During the year there were two holidays, one to St. Ives and one to the Isle of Wight. Our special thanks go to Ken Williamson for organizing them, I am sure we all appreciate what a difficult job it is.

Hoping you all have a successful year ahead. 


Birthdays in July:-

Bill Booth, Geof Couch, Terry Dale, Peter Lloyd

and Malcolm Rigby.

Social Report

Sadly the outing to Liverpool on the 24th June had to be cancelled due to insufficient members interest. 

Future social events planned :-

Sunday lunch Masonic Hall  —————  July

Outing to Llandudno ————————-  July

Outing to Southport Flower Show ——– August

Decisions will need to be made at this meeting for the above mentioned events!

A list will be circulated at the July meeting to judge level of support for the following events:-

Outing to The National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas

 and Lichfield  ———————————–  September

Turkey and Tinsel Holiday ——————  November

Ken Williamson

Minutes and Business of 2017 AGM

  1. 1.             Constitutional  Addition proposed by Council.


In the event of the dissolution of the club, all the assets shall be offered to the local Rotary Club. Should any offer be declined, Council should dispose of the assets in the most appropriate way to benefit local charities. 

  1. 2.             Any Other business


New Picture Gallery on Kidsgrove Probus Web Site 

New photo’s added.

Have you checked out the new picture gallery on our website that has been created by Mike Nield and Peter Lloyd? The Gallery is accessed from the Members Section, at the bottom of the Navigation List on the web site, for which you will need a password to gain access. You can send images to Mike or Peter for inclusion of Probus outings and events if you wish. As well as the many images from 1996 to the present, there is other useful information for members.

        Please note:- Recently some web browser service providers have added caveats to their web sites, where you are required to provide a login password. This is to remind us, (this covers the provider for Health and Safety requirements) that when logging into a website or part of a website requiring a password, there is no encryption of password or data on their network.

The Amateur Philosopher

The grand essentials of happiness are: 

Something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.

Newsletter Editor

Chris Brough compiles and publishes the Probus Newsletter.

Articles of interest to members should be sent by Email to Chris at :-  or phone 01782 784075 in the first instance. For any inclusion in the next newsletter, articles should be delivered to the editor at least 10 days before the monthly meeting.

Our next Probus meeting is on

Wednesday 26th July at

Kidsgrove  Cricket Club, 9.30 for 10am.