Welcome Gentlemen to another Probus meeting. Considering we are still in lockdown the days seem to be flying along. Our next meeting will be after Easter and in summertime. Let’s hope the lockdown rules will be more relaxed by then.
Here are some items to consider: –
- Michael Nield informs us that we need a new Probus website at a cost of around £240. I consider this is vital to our Probus future and have agreed for this to go ahead.
- Our member Terry Dale is at home recovering from a recent hernia operation.
- Also, our member Ken Williamson’s wife Marjorie is now back at home recovering from sickness and a hernia operation done in hospital.
I’m sure you will all join me in wishing them both well and a speedy return to good health.
Until next time keep yourselves and your families safe and well.
John Dunn.
Andrew Dimelow (5th), Eddie Bates (15th), John Hughes (16th), Stephen Jenks (20th)
The news that Group walking in England can resume from Monday 29thMarch 2021 will be a relief and welcome by all.
Graham Tunnicliff says that he has been giving the Probus walks some thought and he thinks that we should be able to start up again on Wednesday 14 April 2021.
Depending on the number of walkers who are willing and able, he has an idea about lunch but it is number dependant, the possible number is between 8 and 17, but he needs to firm up the exact number.
It is important therefore to get in touch with the walk’s leader, Graham as soon as possible.
Adobe Flash was removed permanently by Microsoft at the end of December 2020 so part of the website that uses flash i.e. gallery etc, will not work. Unfortunately, you cannot select a picture to download then upload to the gallery.
Cybernautix said there was no way to resurrect the flash uploading technology that the gallery was using and it has gone from all browsers. What they will have to do is put in a new gallery system, one that doesn’t use a flash uploader.
Dr Peter Brough said that the website has come upon an impasse.
A decision has been reached and agreed by Probus for Cybernautix to rebuild the site into a new platform and this is estimated to cost around £240.00.
Michael Nield and Peter Lloyd administer the Probus website on behalf of it’s members.
I remember the corned beef of my Childhood,
And the bread that we cut with a knife,
When the Children helped with the housework,
And the men went to work not the wife.
The cheese never needed a fridge,
And the bread was so crusty and hot,
The Children were seldom unhappy,
And the Wife was content with her lot.
I remember the milk from the bottle,
With the yummy cream on the top,
Our dinner came hot from the oven,
And not from a freezer; or shop.
The kids were a lot more contented,
They didn’t need money for kicks,
Just a game with their friends in the road,
And sometimes the Saturday flicks.
I remember the shop on the corner,
Where biscuits for pennies were sold
Do you think I’m a bit too nostalgic?
Or is it….I’m just getting Old?
Bathing was done in a wash tub,
With plenty of rich foamy suds
But the ironing seemed never ending
As Mum pressed everyone’s ‘duds’.
I remember the slap on my backside,
And the taste of soap if I swore
Anorexia and diets weren’t heard of
And we hadn’t much choice what we wore.
Do you think that bruised our ego?
Or our initiative was destroyed?
We ate what was put on the table
And I think life was better enjoyed.
Author, Unknown…
Michael Nield has compiled and published the Probus Newsletter. Articles of interest to members should be sent by Email to Michael at or phone 01782 782004 in the first instance. For an inclusion in the next newsletter, articles should be delivered to the editor at least 7 days before the monthly meeting.