Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > May 2015

May 2015

President’s Remarks

Accolades this month must go to member Peter Lloyd and the Haslington players who put on the play (Over my Dead Body) in Yoxall Village Hall. The scenery and effects were excellent and it’s amazing that such a small group can put on such a polished performance, even making a joke when they slipped up over the odd line. Those of us who remembered to go, all had a thoroughly good evening.

Talking about remembering brings me to the matter of payment for our various trips etc. Last month the Treasurer had to ring round trying to find out who had paid in cash. In order that this does not happen again we ask that cash payments are put in an envelope with the payees name and amount written on it.

(This month we are taking payment of £22pp for the Seven Valley Rail Trip).

Next year is the 20th Anniversary of the Club, Council think that it is an occasion to be celebrated and all suggestions are welcome. This Friday 29th May is the Presidents Evening 6:15 for 7:00pm I look forward to seeing you all there.


The speaker today is Kirsten Warren who will talk to us about The History of Moreton Hall.

Nominees for Office 2015-2016

Officials are required for various office positions to manage the affairs of the club during 2015-2016.

A nomination form will be circulated to members to propose a candidate at the meeting on 27 May 2015. Please ensure that you have the permission and signature of the nominee before proposing for office.

The form will be returned to the Secretary at the end of the meeting.

In the event that there is more than one nominee for the position(s), a voting form will be issued to members attending the A.G.M on 24 June 2015.

Birthdays during June 2015

David Tipper, Frederick Maxfield, Adrian Ford, Norman Hankey, Len Harrop, Michael Johnson.

Did You Know?

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

Walk Report

Despite the weather being wet and windy 14 walkers met on the car park at Bathpool Country Park for a walk through the Park and into Target Wood and Blood Pool.

Bluebells were in abundance everywhere and despite the recent rains the paths were relatively free from mud.

Having walked through the bluebells to the point where the path leads off towards the A34 we retraced our steps pausing at Blood Pool which interestingly is no longer coloured by Iron Ore and has completely lost its redness.

The hills in Target Wood are amass with Bluebells and it is worthwhile walking the path both ways in order to appreciate the wonder of them.

By this time the sun was making an appearance and it was a pleasant day for a walk.

Returning to the cars we travelled onto the Freeport car park where we braved the increasing winds and crossed the fields to Parrots Drumble. We entered the Nature Reserve and were soon catching glimpses of blue through the trees, which when you listened to the birdsong competing with the traffic noise from the A500, gives this place an almost magical feel.

At the end of the wood the vista changes completely to a sea of blue and unlike Target Wood is accompanied by the perfume from the flowers.

Returning on the opposite side of the valley you pass an area reminiscent of the Florida Everglades, almost expecting to see a crocodile.

All too soon we were back on the path home, where as a mark of our forthcoming election we had a vote on which Hostelry we would favour for our lunch. The Travellers Rest won and a quick phone call confirmed that they could accommodate us.

And so that is where we retired for lunch, enjoyed by all with only clean plates returned.

With the rain pouring down we beat a hasty retreat to our cars in the knowledge that once again the Probus Walk had been blessed with good weather.

Graham Tunnicliff

Dates for your Diary  

Wednesday27 May 2015Probus Ordinary Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.
Wednesday27 May 2015Come along and be part of the new Friendship Club at Kidsgrove Town Hall. A monthly get together providing various speakers, tea and chat, tea dances and more. Time 2.00pm -3.30pm. £1 includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
Friday29 May 2015President’s Evening at Lawton Memorial Hall. Meet 6.15pm for 7.00pm start.
Tuesday2 June 2015Probus Bowls at C.H.B.C at 10.15am.
Wednesday3 June 2015Probus circular walk in Hanchurch Woods. Meet 9.30am usual car park in Kidsgrove. Lunch at the Toby Inn, Trentham.
Thursday4 June 2015Community Computer Course (1.30/3.30pm) at Clough Hall School now renamed The King’s CE (VA) School.
Tuesday9 June 2015Probus Bowls at C.H.B.C at 10.15am.
Thursday11 June 2015Community Computer Course (1.30/3.30pm) at Clough Hall School now renamed The King’s CE (VA) School.
Thursday18 June 2015Community Computer Course (1.30/3.30pm) at Clough Hall School now renamed The King’s CE VA) School.
Tuesday16 June 2015Probus Bowls at C.H.B.C at 10.15am.
Tuesday23 June 2015Probus Bowls at C.H.B.C at 10.15am.
Wednesday24 Jun 2015Probus Annual General Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.

Constitution 2015 –  Proposed modifications

Council recommend the following modifications to the club’s constitution to be voted on at the A.G.M on Wednesday 24 June 2015:-

Rule 6. Membership

The second paragraph to read:

The next step will be for the recommending member to seek approval from the President to bring the person to a meeting and, if the person is still interested, to a further one meeting. At the end of the second meeting the President or Vice President shall ascertain if the person still wishes to become a member of the Club and if so, and he agrees to abide by the Club’s Constitution and any other properly imposed conditions of membership, invite him to complete the relevant application form.  His application shall be considered by Council and the Secretary shall notify the applicant of its decision.

Rule 7. Honorary Members 

Replace rule with:-

In recognition of a Member’s outstanding contribution to the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the Club the President, on the recommendation of Council, may confer on him the award of Honorary Membership.  Honorary Members shall have the same rights, privileges and obligations as Ordinary Members but will be exempt from subscriptions. An Honorary Members badge will be presented to him to mark the achievement.

Rule 9. Finance

9(iv) change wording of last part of 2nd sentence to;

………Club will be deemed to have been forfeited unless the default is due to the incapacity or illness of, or other situation beyond the control, of the member concerned.


Any articles or information to be included in the Probus Newsletter needs to be in the hands of the editor, Michael Nield, ten days prior to the monthly meeting.

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