Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > November 2015

November 2015

President’s Remarks

This month started off well with a reasonable turn out for the annual Remembrance Sunday parade on the 8th November from the Town Hall, stopping off briefly at the Catholic Church to lay a wreath on their memorial, before continuing to the Memorial Gardens in the Avenue. I was pleased that Eddie Bates agreed to lay the probus wreath at the cenotaph on our behalf. Thank you Eddie.

On Tuesday 17th a party of us went to Cosford museum, accompanied by a few wives, we have been there before but you always see something you have not seen before. This was followed by a very good meal at a local pub, “The Bell” at Tong. Thanks to Frank who organised it.

On the 2nd of December we will be enjoying our Christmas lunch at the Manor House Hotel where I hope to meet up with you all for what I believe will be a wonderful time.

As this will be the last ‘Newsletter’ of 2015, I would like to wish you all a Joyful and Peaceful Christmas, and a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year.


The Speaker today is Mr Ray King who will talk to us about the IRA Bombing of Manchester.

Birthdays during December 2015 

Frank Eardley, John Dunn, Peter Groom, Stephen Rhodes, Graham Bew.

Birthdays during January 2016

David Birchall, Barry Knapper, Geoffrey Mould, John Manley, Graham Tunnicliff.

Punctuation is Powerful

An English professor wrote the words…

“A woman without her man is nothing” …on the whiteboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote: “A woman, without her man, is nothing.”

All the females in the class wrote: “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

Punctuation is powerful.

Visit to Royal Air Force Museum Cosford

Thirty members and guests turned up at Cosford after a tricky journey caused by road accidents. It is a free museum and Peter had arranged for two guides to take us around the four hangers. We were divided into two groups. The group I joined had an excellent guide who loved his job. He described in loving detail the collections and exhibits. Section one covered transport and training aircraft. Hanger two represented war in the air with displays of British, German, Japanese and Argentinian aircraft. Our guide admitted that in the 40’s Germany was in front of us in design. Hanger three concentrated on test flight. Our guide gave us a detailed understanding of the changes in wing shape and tail fin. Also jets and odd bits added to give better stability. This man knew his stuff – excellent!

We did not have time to view hanger four. The other group started in this hanger and enjoyed the National cold war viewing the large nuclear bombers from above and below. They heard about the period of history that threatened everyone’s security. Also included was short film shows explaining the “Hot Spots”. They then moved on to the same hangers that we had covered. The 2.1/2 hour flew passed and left much more to see.

Lunch was taken by 21 of us at “The Bell”. A watering hole just two miles back down the road. By prior arrangement they had arranged tables for us in a pleasant conservatory. Very good service, food reasonably priced and good quality.

Thanks to Peter again.

Frank Timmis

Eating in the Fifties

  • None of us had ever heard of yogurt.
  • If we said that we were on a diet, we simply got less.
  • Healthy food consisted of anything edible.
  • Healthy food had to have the ability to stick to your ribs.
  • Calories were mentioned but they had nothing at all to do with food.
  • The only criteria concerning the food that we ate was could we afford it,
  • People who didn’t peel potatoes were regarded as lazy *****s.
  • Indian restaurants were only found in India.
  • A seven course meal had to last a week.
  • Brunch was not a meal.
  • Cheese only came in a hard lump or in silver paper.
  • If we had eaten bacon lettuce and tomato on the same sandwich we would have been certified.
  • A bun was a small cake back then.
  • A tart was a fruit filled pastry, not a lady of horizontal pleasure.
  • The word “Barbie” was not associated with anything to do with food.
  • Eating outside was called a picnic.
  • Cooking outside was called camping.
  • Seaweed was not a recognised source of food.
  • Eggs came fried or boiled. Scrambled if there were not enough eggs to go around.
  • Hot cross buns were only eaten at Easter time.
  • Pancakes were only eaten on Pancake Tuesday, in fact in those days it was compulsory.
Wednesday25 Nov 2015Probus Ordinary Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.
Wednesday2 Dec 2015Christmas Lunch at the Manor House, Alsager. Meet 11.45am for a 12.30pm start.
Saturday5 Dec 2015Kidsgrove Community Choir performs an evening of seasonal music at St. Thomas Church, Kidsgrove. Meet 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets cost £5.00 for Adults, £3.00 for Children which includes refreshments. More information from Graham Tunnicliff.
Tuesday8 Dec 2015Probus Bowls at the Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre. Start 11.00am – 13.00pm
Saturday19 Dec 2015Assist the Rotary Club of Kidsgrove in their Annual Reindeer Collection at Home Bargains in Kidsgrove between 9.00am-2.00pm.
Tuesday12 Jan 2016Probus Bowls at the Biddulph Valley Leisure Centre. Start 11.00am – 13.00pm
Wednesday20 Jan 2016Probus Council Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet at 9.30am
Thurs, Frid, Sat21,22,23 Jan 2016Pantomime “Aladdin” at Yoxall Village Hall, Crewe Road, Haslington. Doors open 7.00pm for curtain up at 7.30pm prompt. Saturday Matinee: – Doors open 1.30pm for curtain up at 2.00pm prompt. Concession £7.00. Further information from Peter Lloyd 01270 586094.
Wednesday27 Jan 2016Probus Ordinary Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.

Any articles or information to be included in the Probus Newsletter needs to be in the hands of the editor, Michael Nield, ten days prior to the monthly meeting.         E-Mail to