Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > October 2018

October 2018


Dear Members,

The social evening on Wednesday the 16th of October seemed to be a successful affair with cheese and oatcakes on the menu.  Also, a nice birthday cake was provided, as it was Ken Williamson’s 84th birthday.  We all sang to him and for a change, Ken was not allowed to sing!

I am sure those who have put their names forward are looking forward to the three-day holiday in Llandudno on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of November.  All places have now been taken.

Two of our members’ wives are now out of hospital.  I have spoken to Ann Hart and Sheila Morris and both are doing well after their operations.

Sunday the 11th of November is Remembrance Day.  Any members who wish to march should meet at Kidsgrove Town Hall at around 10.00am. Those meeting at the Remembrance Gardens should be there at 10.45am.

Members are asked to volunteer to help with the Kidsgrove Rotary Reindeer collection on Saturday 15th December,

               Norman Hankey, President

Todays Speaker

Mr. D Simmons –

‘The Life And Times Of Howard Hughes’ –  Part 2

Birthdays in November 2018

Barry Rogerson.


The Social Evening for members, partners and friends was held at the Cricket Club on Wednesday 10th October 2018 with musical entertainment and refreshments was enjoyed by all who attended, but unfortunately there were a number of members unable to attend.

We now look forward to a three night week-end holiday at the Evans Hotel Llandudno on the 2nd November 2018.  Deposits of £40.00 per person have already been paid and the balance payment will be made direct to the hotel. There will be no coach travel or outings but there will be entertainment provided in the hotel.

The visit to Middleport Pottery is still to be arranged but again is subject to sufficient interest.

Enquiries are also being made for a visit to the Gladstone Museum in Longton.

The Christmas Luncheon will take place at the Manor House Hotel Alsager at a cost of £22.00 per person. Money for this and menu selections will be collected at the October Meeting.

Sadly, there were insufficient numbers for a Spring Holiday to South Wales with Alfa Travel staying at the Sea Bank Hotel in Porthcawl in May 2019 and this has now been cancelled. Enquiries will be made for a holiday later in the year.

The President’s Evening will be held at the Manor House Hotel Alsager on Friday 31st May 2019. Further details at a later date.                       

Ken Williamson


The Next Probus walk will be on Wednesday 7th November.

A Prayer For A Good Nights Sleep

When it’s time to say good night and god bless,

Pray our Lord’s angel will grant you sleep without stress.

Relax yourself as you lie at night in your bed,

And forbid bad thoughts from entering your head.

Clear your mind and let it have peace and rest,

Then you will be well and truly blest,

With a nights sleep that is simply the best

 John Dunn

 The Amateur Philosopher

We don’t stop playing because we grow old

We grow old because we stop playing.


The Wisdom Of The Young?

Teacher – You’re late! You should have been here at 9 o’clock.

Pupil –      Why? What happened?

Parent – What did you learn at school today?

Pupil –     Not enough, I have to go back again tomorrow!

 From the National Trust Museum of Childhood at Sudbury, Derbyshire

Newsletter Editor

Chris Brough compiles and publishes the Probus Newsletter.

Articles of interest to members should be sent by Email to Chris at  Or phone 01782 784075 in the first instance. For an inclusion in the next newsletter, articles should be delivered to the editor at least

7 days before the monthly meeting.

      Our next Probus meeting is on Wednesday 28th of November

at Kidsgrove Cricket Club, 9.30 for 10am