Agenda for the Meeting of Kidsgrove Probus on
Wednesday 31st May 2023 at Kidsgrove C.C. At 10.00
Birthdays in the Month of June:
Jeffrey Parker – 4th
Frank Eld – 5th
David Tipper – 6th
Frederick Maxfield – 15th
Adrian Ford – 16th
- Members Apologies:
- Minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 26th April at Kidsgrove C.C. at 10.00 hrs.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
4. Treasurer’s Report:
- Social Secretary’s Report
- Lunch at Legs of Man
- Presidents Evening, due to be held on Friday 30h June
- Evans Hotel Llandudno, 3-6 November
- Bowls Update
- Correspondence
- A.O.B.
- The next Meeting is the A.G.M. on Wednesday 28th June 2023 at Kidsgrove C.C. Starting at 10.00 hrs.
The President will welcome John Hambleton as the speaker on the subject of Tools and Appliances.
Would the winner of the raffle please give their name to the President?