Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Members Area > History > The ELEVENTH Year – July 2006 to June 2007

The ELEVENTH Year – July 2006 to June 2007


The ELEVENTH Year – July 2006 – June 2007

The Officers, Council Members and Organisers for the year were:-

President   Bill Booth
Vice PresidentPeter Davenport
Honorary SecretaryMichael Painter
Honorary Treasurer   Michael Johnson
Social SecretaryJohn Manley
Speakers SecretaryAlan Henshall
Assistant SecretaryMichael Nield
Newsletter EditorChris Brough
ArchivistPeter Groom
Ordinary MembersLen Harrop, John Crutchley, Derek Morris, John Vardon
Bowls OrganisersFrank Timmis, Len Dale
Web Site AdministratorMichael Nield
Club PhotographerPeter Lowe
Internal AuditorsLen Harrop, Derek Morris


            An excellent and interesting range of Speakers were provided by Alan and all the members appreciated the informative collation he presented. Among the varied subjects were:-

The 1st World War, Organizing the Royal Train, The Mystery of Books, Rolls Royce at Crewe, Over 70 Year old Challenge, The Ambulance Service, Toys and Magic, Fair Trade.


            On Wednesday the 13th September, fifty two members, ladies and friends enjoyed a day visiting Port Sunlight and Chester. The day was fine and the group made the most of a pleasant experience.

            Fifty three members, ladies and friends embarked on a seven day holiday to Torquay in late October. This was a most enjoyable holiday with interesting entertainment and coach tours.

            Mid November saw fifty two members, ladies and friends journey to Leeds to spend a day at the Armoury or shopping. All agreed it was an excellent venue.

            In December, we held our usual Christmas lunch at the Rifleman inn, which was attended by sixty- seven of us. It was a very agreeable and successful occasion.

            In April, forty nine members took a six day holiday in Scarborough. With day trips to Filey, Bridlington, Castle Howard, Eden Camp and Goathland. It was another very enjoyable holiday.

            May saw fifty two members, ladies and friends visit Llandudno. The day was sunny and a Victorian Festival was in full swing. A day of great interest with lots to see and do. Later that month, members, ladies and ex-members widows attended the President’s Evening at the Alsager Golf Club. Eric Newton supplied the entertainment and a very interesting and enjoyable time was had.

            Mention has to be made of John Manley who as Social Secretary has played such a large part in the enjoyment which all members of Probus have experienced over the past years. He has worked hard and tirelessly to satisfy all members, which is almost impossibility. John however, has succeeded in doing just that and we all truly appreciate his results.


            Mike Painter took on the mantle of guide and mentor when Peter became incapacitated. And provided some enjoyable, and considering the weather, reasonably dry walks. Pub lunches were a high priority and members benefitted physically and mentally from the outings. Norman Hankey and Graham Tunnicliff also acted as leaders and Graham has now taken over.


            During the year, six meetings were held. Three were indoors at Crewe Victoria Centre and three spring and summer meetings at the Clough Hall Bowling Club. Indoors on the long mat saw up to twenty four members and ladies contest evenly matched games, flowed by an equally contested meal at the Angel. However, only ten people turned up in March as snow fell overnight.

            The outside matches on a pleasant green with sixteen players became very competitive and close results ensued on each of the tree meetings. Tea and biscuits at the interval revived tired limbs and lunch was taken at the Fifth on Fourth restaurant at the local school. The carvery enjoyed by a full house of thirty two members and ladies was a great success. The season was completed by a challenge match against Kidsgrove Short Mat Club at Kidsgrove Town Hall. Probus was well beaten, the short mat too fast, the floor too uneven and the opposition too good. The hospitality, tea and biscuits were much appreciated.

            Many thanks to Frank Timmis, Len Dale and Michael Nield.


            The Probus Club of Kidsgrove website was constructed in 2005 with an address of:-

It shows information relating to the club’s activities as follows:-

            The purpose, formation and membership of the club. Meeting of members. The people and chronology of the club.

            It was ultimately decided that the chronological record was not needed. Although the original website address can still be viewed, this was replaced by a new board and access gained via the following website address:-

As at 3rd August 2007, the Probus website had been viewed by 1618 hits.

The website information is administered on behalf of the club by Michael Nield


            The annual remembrance Service at St. Thomas Church was well attended by Probus members and their ladies and past President John Podmore laid the wreath on our behalf.

            We finally had our photograph in the Probus magazine and a finer looking part of Probians would be hard to find. Another photograph appeared in the Sentinel just before Christmas. This was of a young looking Norman Hankey donating the 100th pint of his blood, a great and caring achievement. Well done Norman.

            Various members helped Kidsgrove Rotary Club with their charity collections, which were most appreciative of.

            Our Birthday cards were provided by Chris Brough at cost price, – a big thank you to Chris.

            Our first President Tom Murphy, and his wife Win, travelled in 1992 on the Trans-Siberia railway. Win has given us in booklet form, his diary of the journey and it is very informative and most appreciated.

            Trips to the theatre were once again available to us via our Secretary Mike Painter.


            Gordon Griffin resigned and the club welcomed Chris Brough. It was decided by the members to change the five associate members to full members and to have 45 members and a waiting list. This will be written into the Constitution. This means that the following are now members. Norman Hankey, Peter Smith, Jeffrey Parker, Derek Jones.


            I am grateful for the help given to me and hope that my year has contributed to the continued success of the club. The change to the Constitution, which allows the associate members to become full members, is particularly welcome. I hope that the introduction of a microphone system will enable everyone to enjoy the meetings.