Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > January 2017

January 2017

President’s Remarks

Welcome to this January meeting; I hope you all had a good Christmas and wish you and your families a happy, healthy New Year.

Unfortunately, last year was not good for some members who suffered ill health and spent time in hospital; we also lost a dear member, Peter Crowther-Green.

 We are happy to welcome back Michael Nield and Terry Dale and wish to thank Andrew Dimelow who covered for Michael during his absence.

We had two very good holidays, one in Torquay and one in St. Ives. Thanks to Ken and the Social Committee  for organizing these.

On the 9th of January, I was honoured to be invited to join in with the Longton Probus club, who are celebrating the 40th birthday of their club. I enjoyed a pleasant lunch at the Upper House Restaurant in Barlaston and had an opportunity to get to know some members. I have sent a thank you card to Alan Swale, the secretary, and to their President for my warm reception.

Apologies to members who were hoping to attend the Social Evening on the18th of January; the decision to cancel was made because the busyness of the season made it difficult to arrange.


The speaker for our January meeting is Mr. D Mason. 

His talk is entitled :- Trekking In The Everest Region of The Himalayas.

February Walk 

The February walk is into the Dane Valley and around Swettenham starting from Brereton Heath Nature Park, just off the A54 between Congleton and Holmes Chapel.  Please note they charge at this car park, £2 for 3 hours. 

It is a very easy walk of about 4 miles. Afterwards I suggest we have lunch at the Swan (a Samuel Smiths House) next to the Railway Station in Holmes Chapel. Please meet at 9:30 on the tiered car parks in Kidsgrove on Wednesday 1st February.

          Garry Bell


Many thanks to the members who participated in the annual Christmas collection, on behalf of The Rotary Club of Kidsgrove.

Once again the happy shoppers outside Home Bargains in Kidsgrove gave generously to our collectors from 0900 to 1400hrs on the 17th December, Dennis Fletcher, Terry Cook, Andy Dimelow, Len Dale, Dave Tipper, Gary Bell, Fred Maxfield, Cliff Triner, also Norman Hankey who accompanied myself. In total our merry band collected £343.98 which went towards making a grand total of £10,326.67p, which the Rotary Club of Kidsgrove collected within their local area, all of which will be used to support local charities and needy causes. Well done to everybody involved.

       Graham Tunnicliff

Probus Indoor Bowls Schedule at Biddulph  Sports Centre 2016/17

Tuesday 14th February and Tuesday 14th March.

All the matches start at 11am and finish at 1pm.

Mike Nield

 Michael Nield would like to thank all Probus members and friends for their time and care during his recent illness. Michael was very grateful for people visiting him in hospital and at home. Also those who sent cards and made telephone calls. It was a reminder to him what a great Probus Club we have at Kidsgrove and one to be proud of. 


Rode Hall gardens and All Saints’ church will be open from Saturday 4th February to Sunday 5th March (except Mondays). The Church will be decorated with seasonal flowers, including snowdrops, and candles and will be serving light refreshments each day from 12.30pm to 4.00pm. Over 3000 people visited the church last year and you will be made very welcome.

                                                                                          John Lowe

The Amateur Philosopher

Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.

                                       P.J. O’Rourke

Birthdays in February:-   

Alan Henshall, Bob Kay, Terry Cook, Derek Morris and Roy Bailey.

Our next Probus meeting is on Wednesday 22nd February

Newsletter Editor

Chris Brough compiles and publishes the Probus Newsletter.

Any articles of interest to members should be sent by Email to Chris at  or phone 01782 784075 in the first instance.

For any inclusion in the current newsletter, articles should be delivered to the editor at least 10 days before the monthly meeting.