President’s Remarks
Welcome to this July meeting, my first as president. I hope we all have a good year.
First of all I would like to thank all the long serving officials who are retiring from their duties. Secondly, to Probus members of our club who have put their hard work into the organisation over the last twelve months. A special thanks to Stephen for his year as president and also last years council and committee for their time and effort they have given to the club.
We have members who have not been in good health during the last month or so. They are Roy Bailey who is recovering from having a pacemaker fitted, John Vardon who is having surgery, Peter Davenport who is due to go into hospital for an operation and Bob Kaye who is due to go back into hospital for further treatment. I am sure you would like to join me to wish them all a speedy recovery and a healthy year ahead.
The speaker for the27th July is –
Professor Ian Morrison – ‘Is There Life Out There’
Birthdays during August 2016.
Jeff Parker, Dennis Fletcher and Cliff Triner
Probus Walk Report
July’s walk started from Consall Nature Park’s visitor centre and then followed the Cauldon Canal to The Boat Inn in Cheddleton, where we had lunch. Four members and four ladies came on this walk of about 3.5 miles.
It was a short walk down the slopes of the park to the valley bottom where the canal, the River Churnet and the Churnet Valley Railway are adjacent to each other. It was commented on that Staffordshire County Council had done a great job in setting up the counties Country Parks – let’s hope they can maintain them in the future, an issue that is currently under consultation.
The river becomes the canal for part of this stretch, separating again at a weir near the Black Lion Pub. We were passed along the way by a train travelling from Cheddleton to Frogall which runs on Wednesdays during the summer. This walk was a linear one and following lunch at The Boat we returned home to Kidsgrove by about 2:30.
Garry Bell
Next Walk
The next walk starts at the Lion Salt Walks Visitor Centre, Marston near Northwich. It follows the Trent and Mersey Canal to the Andereton Boat Lift where this feat of engineering transports boats between the Canal and the River Weaver – a difference in levels of 50 feet.
We then circle round through Marbury Country Park, alongside Budworth Mere, eventually re-joining the canal. It is then a short walk to the Salt Works where we can either take lunch at the Visitor Centre or the adjacent Salt Barge Inn.
The walk takes about 3 hours including a half hour stop at the Boat Lift Visitor Centre.
Please meet at 9:30 on Wednesday 3rd August on the tiered car parks in Kidsgrove.
Garry Bell
St Ives Holiday 3rd September 2016 – 8 Days
We look forward to the St Ives holiday with Alfa staying at the Cottage Hotel with excursions to Falmouth, Truro and Land’s End. We hope the sun shines in Cornwall like it did in Cumbria. Ken Williamson
Newsletter Editor
Chris Brough has kindly stepped forward to compile and publish the Probus Newsletter from July 2016. Any articles of interest to members should be directed to Chris – Email or on 01782 784075