Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > June 2014

June 2014

President’s Remarks

The President’s Evening at the Lawton Memorial Hall proved again to be a successful event and was enjoyed by all who were able to attend. Father Michael Burgess gave an amusing and entertaining after dinner talk. A number of our members and partners then quickly packed their bags for a short sunshine holiday in the Isle of Wight where despite the warm weather coughs and colds came home with them.

The outing to Melton Mowbray and Rutland Water proved to be another different and entertaining trip with fine sunny weather and we thank Peter for all his arrangements.

Peter Smith’s health has deteriorated over the past few months and sadly he passed away on Friday 13 June. Our thoughts and prayers are with Daryl and her family in this sad time of bereavement.

Likewise we think of all those members who are unable to attend our meetings and outings due to failing health issues.

This is my last President’s report and I would like to thank the Council and all the members for supporting me and making my year a memorable one. L look forward to handing over the chain of office to Graham Tunnicliff and wish him a happy and enjoyable year

Ken Williamson

There is no speaker today at the A.G.M

Birthdays during July 2014
Bill Booth, Terry Dale, Peter Lloyd.
Probus Walk Report  The June report is available to read on the club’s website.
Proposed Council MembersSix nominees have been proposed and seconded by members for two vacant positions on the Council to serve for the next 2 years. They are Graham Brown, John Crutchley, Len Dale, Terry Dale, Len Harrop and Michael Johnson.This means that voting papers will be issued to members at the A.G.Mto make their choice.

Dates for your Diary  

25 Jun 2014
Probus A.G.M at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10.00am start.

1 July 2014
Probus Bowls at Clough Hall B.C. Meet at 10.30am. Make own arrangements for lunch afterwards.

2 July 2014
Probus walk. 

9 July 2014
Probus Bowls at Clough Hall B.C. Meet at 10.30am. Lunch afterwards at the Fifth on Fourth Restaurant.

15 July 2014
Probus Bowls at Clough Hall B.C. Meet at 10.30am. Make own arrangements for lunch afterwards.

22 July 2014
Probus Bowls at Clough Hall B.C. Meet at 10.30am. Make own arrangements for lunch afterwards.

23 July 2014
Probus Council Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am

29 July 2014
Probus Bowls at Clough Hall B.C. Meet at 10.30am. Make own arrangements for lunch afterwards.

30 July 2014
Probus Ordinary Meeting at the Cricket Club. Meet 9.30am for 10am start.