Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > June 2020

June 2020


Gentlemen, welcome to another month without a General Meeting due to the coronavirus problem. We Council Members will do our best to keep you all informed of any matters arising which will be of interest to you.

We have news that Bob Kay was moved to the North Staffs hospital on Monday 15 June for an operation to amputate his leg. His wife Sheila tells me he is now in ward 101 and in a drugged confused state.

However, the staff are to organise a WhatsApp face to face for them in the next few days. I am sure you will all join me in wishing a quick recovery for Bob.

During the next few months, I am going to select members who I believe are worthy of special praise. This month I nominate Alan Henshall who for the last 16 years has provided us with speakers for our meetings. Having recently had some experience of this myself I know what a time-consuming task this can be.

Well done Alan and keep up the good work.

Keep yourselves and your family’s safe gentlemen.


John Dunn

Message from The Club Photographer 

Hope you are all keeping well and behaving yourselves (I AM TRYING)

Being as we are not going on  Probus holidays at present  we have no photos for the gallery this year, so I thought if you could take a photo of life on lockdown inside, outside, out for walk etc. and send it to me via email  to  or if photos are on your phone, you can use ‘Messenger’ and send them to 07592334041 

Here are the steps that you can follow to send the photos and videos. 1. Go to New message option from the top right of the screen. 2. On the next screen, select the friend to who you want to send photos or videos. 3. At the bottom where we compose the message. Go to the Gallery option, which automatically shows the photos and videos on your phone.

I find by selecting photo on the phone and pressing the symbol that looks like 3 dots connector by two lines from there select messenger then select me. I have to be in your phone book, then press send.

If in any doubt, please give me a call.

Peter Lloyd


Not much to report this month.

Alfa Travel have refunded the holiday money and this has all been refunded to those who should have travelled.

Hopefully the social evening with refreshments and Beetle Drive to celebrate John Crutchley’s 90th birthday will be held at the Cricket Club on Wednesday 21 October 2020. The cost will be £5.00 and John Lowe will collect names.

A further week-end break should be held at the Evans Hotel Llandudno on Friday 6 November 2020. Bookings and deposits are being collected by Frank Timmis.

The Probus Christmas Lunch has been booked at the Manor House Hotel Alsager on Wednesday 2nd December 2020. Menus have not yet been received but will be distributed when available.

Keep safe and Well.

Ken Williamson.


A new telephone list will be issued in July 2020. In the meantime, if there are any changes to the existing list will you kindly advise the Secretary.


An outline of a conversation held on 16 June with Peter, part owner of Evans Hotel. He cannot give any positive statement regarding the opening of the Hotel.

Wales at this moment is restricting movement to five miles. Coach companies who also own Hotels in the resort are asking for a July date. Peter favours a September re-opening. He reasons that until all the amenities in the vicinity are open and travel restrictions are lifted; face masks not compulsory; very few people would enjoy their holidays.

He would have no difficulty with social distancing. Two sittings at meal times and plenty of room in the bar area. He cannot see the end to the problem but is sure that our November date is on. Mainly because the majority of Llandudno people depend on the tourist trade and are clamouring to be allowed to open as normal as soon as possible.

Frank Timmis


There are five things that you cannot recover in life:

  1. The stone…………… after it’s thrown.
  2. The word……………after it’s said.
  3. The Occasion………. after it’s missed.
  4. The Time…………. after it’s gone.
  5. A Person…………. after they die.


Malcolm Rigby, Bill Booth, Terry Dale, Peter Lloyd.


Michael Nield has compiled and published the Probus Newsletter. Articles of interest to members should be sent by Email to Michael at or phone 01782 782004 in the first instance. For an inclusion in the next newsletter, articles should be delivered to the editor at least 7 days before the monthly meeting.
