Probus Club of Kidsgrove > Newsletters > March 2014

March 2014

President’s Remarks

Our thoughts this month are with our Treasurer Norman whose wife Dorothy tragically passed away after a short illness. Dorothy always participated in Probus social and sports events and never missed our outings and holidays. We shall all miss her pleasant smiling personality and our prayers are with Norman and his family in this sad time of bereavement.

We also think of our newest member Terry Cook who suffered a heart attack but is now back at home from hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery.

A good number attended the outing to Salford Quays and the luncheon at the Legs of Man and our thanks go out to Peter Lowe and Michael Nield for all the arrangements.

Our outing to the Variety theatre at Leeds is imminent soon to be followed by the April holiday to Great Yarmouth.

The indoor bowling competition concluded last Tuesday and the winning team of John Vardon, Joyce Brown, Doreen Lowe and Ken Williamson received the presentation cup from Vice President Graham. Thanks again to Len Dale for organising the event.

Ken Williamson